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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"Follow Your Curiosities" Says Noorani 10C 11PH

EAAvesdropping is fortunate to catch up with Shamim Noorani 10C 11PH. We asked her about what led her to college and through the Haygood-Hopkins Memorial Gate for the very first time:
"On my first day of kindergarten my parents told me that I would be in school for a quarter of my life, but for the other three quarters I would be working. Hearing this at the age of five was mind-boggling. What I took away from the conversation was that I should enjoy my time in school and work towards a fulfilling career that would allow me to impact others in a positive way. Growing up I went through phases of career options including a teacher, a police officer, a doctor, a judge, and several other token Halloween costumes, but the constant that stayed true throughout each stage were the wise words of my parents and the desire to make an impact on others through the work I would do."

Did Noorani believe she made the right choice in Emory?
"Coming to Emory for my Bachelors and staying for my Masters was the first of many steps in the right direction. While at Emory I took advantage of the GERs and explored courses and fields that stimulated my mind and challenged by beliefs. Through the years I grew a passion for Public Health in the domestic and international spheres and pursued internships in the non-profit sector, explored unanswered questions through research, and worked to sharpen my analytical skills through courses in biostatistics and epidemiology.

Looking to graduation and beyond, she recalls:

"At the end of my five years I was still uncertain of what I wanted to do but a particular individual at Emory stood by my side and mentored me through the delicate stage of student to young professional while challenging me every step of the way: Paul Bredderman at the Career Center supported my numerous career paths and coached me through the applications and interviews and encouraged me to live up to my vision of success and explore new opportunities along the way. With his support I find myself in the healthcare arena serving as a consultant working alongside hospitals to make their procedures and processes more efficient with the ultimate goal of making the healthcare experience patients experience more enjoyable.

On looking back at her five years with Emory, she says:

"I took away much more than a degree; I walked out a young professional with an ambition to be true to the values of the Emory Community, a desire to make a difference in the lives of those around me, and a network that is vast in geography, expertise, and support.

Noorani's advice to current students:

"Take advantage of the numerous resources Emory has to offer from their world- renowned staff to the Emory Experience shuttles sponsored by RHA, connect with faculty members and learn about their research, and challenge yourself intellectually by following your curiosities."

Thank you for sharing, Shamim!

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