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Monday, November 28, 2011

Alumni voices on iTunesU

You can read about Emory alumni in EmoryWire, Emory Magazine, on this blog, and in chapter newsletters. But where can you actually hear the storytellers' voices, listen to their tone, and truly understand the nuances in their meaning?

The alumni association has created an outlet for stories on iTunes U. Alumni interviews and EAA program recordings can be both seen and heard right here. You may also access the iTunes store on iTunes, simply search for Emory University, and look through tons of recordings and videos separated by category and collection. For videos specifically created by the EAA, click on "Alumni Association" under Featured Contributors.

Two years ago, when I first started working at the EAA as a sophomore, I interviewed Emory alumna and Atlanta poet Stacey Lynn Brown 92C and made a podcast of our chat.

Holed up in my supervisor's office (the most soundproof place we could find at the Miller-Ward Alumni House), I recorded our phone interview using an iPod and a mic I rented from the Cox Computing Center. Brown spoke to me via speakerphone. My methods were a bit primitive given how much technology now exists just two years later. Digital media recording techniques continue to advance, but Brown's words will always be poetry.

--Lindsey Bomnin 12C, EAA communications intern

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