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Monday, June 21, 2010

Photo of the Day: Greetings from Buenos Aires

Thanks Felice Physioc 09C (third from the left) for sending us this photo of the Emory community in Buenos Aires, Argentina!

Although Buenos Aires is way, way, WAY far from Atlanta, Emory alumni and current students are enjoying a fun and exciting Argentine winter, primarily due to the efforts of Alejandro Gutierrez 06MBA (top row, standing, far left), who has worked hard to create the EAA's newest international chapter.

In addition to being the newest, the Buenos Aires chapter is among the most active. The photo above, from a gathering on May 15, highlights one of several recent get-togethers.

Future (possible) activities include getting together to watch the World Cup final, hosting an Emory faculty member, and even organizing a night out to see one of Lizzy Cooke's 09C musical shows on La Calle Corrientes (a street famous for its theaters).


  1. Parents or friends of Emory students/alum in Buenos Aires looking to send a care package should contact www.sendloveba.com - fresh baked American style treats delivered to their door!

  2. I see you were having fun. I mean, there is no way of having a bad time there because people are always happy, just sorting out the difficulties and thinking positively. When I travelled to Argentna, I rented one of those furnished apartments in buenos aires which gave me the chance to invite friends over and also to see the final of the World Cup. I had a great time and met wonderful people!
