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Monday, October 17, 2011

Nothing says legacy like a pinning ceremony

On a beautiful Sunday morning, proud parents and grandparents joined first-year students for the Freshman Pinning Ceremony at the Miller-Ward Alumni House.

The Freshman Pinning Ceremony is an informal celebration in which an immediate family member who is also an Emory alumnus/a welcomes a first-year student to the Emory family.

After Dr. Gary Hauk provided a little bit of Emory history and after a cappella group No Strings Attached serenaded the audience, family members stood up with cameras in hand and smiles on their faces to pin future Emory alumni.

Thomas Milton Jones 56Ox 58C 59L is proud his grandson, Brett Wilmot 15C, decided to attend Emory. With no pressure from his family, Brett is very proud of his legacy status. Just take a look at the video.

--Tania Dowdy 08Ox 10C, online services specialist, EAA

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