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Monday, October 24, 2011

Library school alumni reunite for the first time in five years

On Saturday, September 24, alumni from Emory’s Library School gathered at the Woodruff Library for their first reunion in over five years. Nearly 70 alumni and friends attended the brunch followed by a tour of Emory’s Manuscript, Archives and Rare Book Library (MARBL).

Ginger Hicks Smith 77C 82G, director of external communications at the Emory Libraries, interim director of MARBL and Library School graduate, welcomed the group to campus with a brief history of the Library School. In special tribute, Smith invited the school’s last graduate, Margaret Whittier Ellingson 88G, to cut the cake decorated with images of the old and new libraries of Emory.

Following the brunch reception, Woodruff Library curators led the tour of MARBL to share new treasures and share insight about popular collecting areas, including modern historical collections, rare maps, and African American and literary collections.

Many of the Library School alumni had not visited Emory’s campus in more than 10 years. It was exciting for them to see all of the positive changes at Emory and to learn that the University continues to educate librarians in innovative ways.

-- Jaime Katzman Russo, Assistant Director of Development & Alumni Relations, Emory Libraries Development Office

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