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Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is upon us at Emory University! But our celebration began last week at the Miller- Ward Alumni House as school favorites came out to play.

On Thursday night, the super heroes and witches and fairy princesses and ladybugs all came dressed in their finest to Jake's Open House.

The Miller-Ward Alumni House was transformed into a Halloween spectacular destination, with carnival games for kids of all ages on its grounds.

Fresh-popped popcorn, yummy classics from The Varsity and plenty of sweets were on the bill of fare.
Emory's loyal mascot Swoop flew in for a visit, and Lord Dooley, the school's oldest student, brought his entourage of guards to call on party-goers.

But what did we see on faces more often than the telltale signs of delicious cotton candy? Plenty of smiles, of course!

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