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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Photo of the Day: How do you like our new shirts?

New photos from Emory Homecoming Weekend are coming in everyday. We like this one, which features five members of the Class of 1999 on campus for their 10-Year Reunion, celebrating Spirit Day with their new Emory shirts.

We'll have a lot more Spirit Day photos in the November 2009 edition of EmoryWire. If you wore your Emory shirt on Spirit Day, September 26, email a picture to Stacey Gall (sgall@emory.edu), here at the EAA. You might just be in EmoryWire, too.


  1. Cool shirts! How can we get one?

  2. Just email Stacey at sgall@emory.edu. We will see what we can do for you!
