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Friday, December 18, 2009

Blue Christmas

The Emory Annual Fund was in desperate need of some holiday cheer this year, so I took it upon myself to usher in the holiday season with a little decorating. The theme this year is A Blue Christmas, and it really looks quite HAMdsome, if I do say so myself. (That’s right, I went there…and there are plenty more pork references to come.)

Now, you may be thinking, what reason do I, The Blue Pig, have to be blue this holiday season. (And of course, many of you may be thinking, what the heck is The Blue Pig, and why is it writing today's EAAvesdropping post.)

After all, so far this fiscal year more than 300 Emory undergraduates have embraced the spirit of giving that is embodied in the Emory community and have contributed over $2,500 to the Class Gift Campaigns, and that number will only grow as we move into next semester.

Don’t get me wrong, I like to go HOG wild during holidays as much as the next even-toed ungulate, but it’s not an easy time to be a swine. Some folks dread gathering around the table with their loved ones and the string of off color jokes from your BOARish uncle that inevitably ensues. During those times, just remember that things could always be worse. After all, your holiday dinner would not be possible without significant contributions from my family. (I’ll miss you Uncle Sal!)

Have a happy holidays and a PIGtastic new year!

Oink, oink, oink!!

--The Blue Pig, Class Gift Campaign mascot, Emory Annual Fund

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